...from real people of their experiences of my books, workshops, coaching and more.


Hi Aaron McLoughlin,
I was just writing in my positive intentions book and all the gratitude I had in my head today, and I wanted to share with you how well I am doing at the moment as a way of thanking you very sincerely for taking part (and continuing to do so) in the work in my development:
My energy and inspiration
My skills, talents and abilities and being courageous to use them
My ability to walk around all day thinking happy thoughts!
My ability to relax with clients and be curious, and TRUSTING MYSELF
My wonderful UC mind which can change so quickly and still amazes me!
My propensity to keep learning and developing
My relationship with myself and my spiritual development
How I can actually ENJOY my life, genuinely, for perhaps the first time in this way
To wake up feeling excited about my day
To have boundaries and self-esteem in my decision making
To feel part of a field that is so inspiring and special and significant in the world
To have resources available to me readily and using them (being at cause!  whooppeee!)
Knowing that I can bounce back from less than resourceful times and keep moving forward, no matter what may happen
Trusting and knowing that I CAN DO ANYTHING
I could go on!
Ka rawe koe (you are awesome!)

I am SO grateful for:


Dear Aaron,
Thank you very much for the loan of your helpful book, Better Sleep Sooner. I have really enjoyed dipping in and out of it and in so doing revisited my NLP training in the process.  
Over the years NLP has helped me with my poor and irregular sleep patterns however I have patches where my practices and theories just don’t work.  I’ve learned to ride with the process and to stop wishing for “normal” sleep patterns.  As you say in your book it is only about “resting”.  (Thank you for that.)
Better Sleep Sooner is a very well presented book with lots of powerful self-hypnosis stoems.  I recorded one that resonated well on my cell phone and will use it from time to time.
Well done on producing a very helpful book and thank you for the privilege of using it.
Kind regards,
Corporate Coaching Group Sleep Talk

"Great seminar last Wednesday! Great to have some practical tips to take home and apply. I'm keen for the next one" Michael, Christchurch.

"Aaron simplified the concept of sleep for me. He provided tools beyond ‘sleep hygiene’ for me as an individual - tools are more powerful than medication. He has much knowledge on the subject of sleep and yet is always inspired by his client's unique experiences. I really enjoyed the workshop offered by Aaron and will to continue to practice what he taught me. I think what I took away the most is what hypnosis truly is, how powerful it can be and that I can relax using this method, making it possible to rest and drift into a refreshing sleep.
Thank you very much for doing what you do"

Best regards,  Jade
"We invited Aaron to speak at several seminars. We were most impressed with his confident speaking abilities combined with his likeable charisma. Aaron is very engaging, very responsive and overall, very knowledgeable and witty. We witnessed several audiences being riveted and inspired by his discourse. He generates lots of laughter and receives heartfelt appreciation for his passion and effectiveness of outcome. We have engaged Aaron to speak on camera and we have asked him to assist with some of our clients to reduce anxiety. We highly recommend Aaron for anything relating to public speaking, corporate motivation, or an individual looking for help to reduce conflict and maximise their potential. Thank you, William Bisset – Brilin Functional Medicine Clinic. Chch"

"Hi Aaron,
I am finding your book useful. During the first week, I read it each night before going to sleep. I felt the serenity of the read & the suggested tools helped me relax & sleep past 4AM (which had been a typical waking time).
Since then, I’m re-reading the book (for serenity & re-fresh on tools) in combination with some sleep mix from Natural Ange (short-term help during a busy time at work), & again I’m finding the book helpful. I can see myself continuing to re-read the book for the benefits I’ve mentioned.
The feeling of a lack of sleep seems to be a real phenomenon with people of my age (early 40’s) & my parents’ generation – so I hope you continue to succeed in reaching out to assist others. 
Thanks again for the book & for asking for feedback."

"It is a privilege to know Aaron and a pleasure to offer these words of recommendation to encourage people to utilise Aaron's unique talents to enhance their lives and address their problems. I was at a low point when I sought Aaron's help. He taught me how to quiet my mind and redirect my thoughts to accomplish my goals of getting into shape and also empowered me to make some decisions regarding my life and my marriage. I am now 16kg lighter and at peace with myself, having resolved many of the issues that used to torment me. This was something I 
never could have achieved on my own. Thank you Aaron, you are a special, wonderful person." ~ Karen, Hamilton

"Better Sleep Sooner has helped me stop looking at sleep as a negotiable state. After reading the book, Sleep became an achievable and natural process and now I don't even think "I hope I am able to sleep tonight".

The book is easy to follow, logical and practical. I am now in control of my sleep and as a result, I have no anxiety towards sleeping, I wake up refreshed and ready to face the day."

"Just wanted to let you know that I am feeling so much better these days. It was a really good session and the re-programming is working.

I certainly feel my 'unconscious' mind is in a lot better shape and many other things are falling into place as well. It took nearly a week to get sleeping pattern better but I try to apply the theories you run through every day.

I went down to half a sleeping tablet in the middle of the night at first - and for the past two days, I have slept all through the night with no sleeping tablets which feels absolutely fabulous. It was quite a struggle at first as I really had got into quite a deeply ingrained pattern of dependence on [Medication name] and I guess it is not easy to shift overnight but I feel I'm making good progress."

Thank you. Cheers, J. M. Auckland

I have worked regularly with Aaron on a fortnightly basis for over two years, and have known him for seven. Without Aaron’s help in this time, I can safely say that it is unlikely I would have achieved what I have, with the level of enjoyment I now have.

I am an artistic, intuitive sort of person who has found himself responsible for an entrepreneurial business becoming international and an associated research centre involved in groundbreaking research into the water.

The complexity of this work, with its level of detail, multi-tasking, different personalities and regular challenges has at times been overwhelming, but with Aaron’s regular help not only do I refind my focus and lightness, but also am developing new capacities required to be successful, at each step of the way.

He is understanding, patient and humorous, really getting to the nub of my inner and outer situations with uncanny accuracy, which makes for the fast dismantling of my own hindrances and, working with me, the easy rebuilding of a strong foundation to launch into the week’s work.

It’s extraordinary what I have learnt over this time. Aaron is not only a colleague in my work, he is also a true friend.  Thanks, Aaron, for being there!

Ian Trousdell
- Pixton Hill, Sussex, RH185JX, UK

"For conventional hypnotherapy and Ericksonian hypnotherapy I highly recommend Aaron McLoughlin. 
I have had sessions with him and found his unique take on NLP and different styles of hypnotherapy excellent."

Patricia Greenhough
NLP Master Trainer 
Hypnotherapy Trainer