"If you can put your dream or your challenge into words, 
then I can help you with it."


Before you read the explanations about NLP, Hypnosis Life Coaching and EFT it is probably important to understand that these techniques are not about therapy, they add up to a facilitation style that is structural psychology. It is about personal freedom. These techniques and the many other processes you will utilise will give you more FREEDOM.

Freedom to think, to feel and to create your life.

Some of the areas I have helped people enjoy more freedom with over the years:

Sleeping disorders |  Anxiety | Depression | Grief  |  Stress Reduction  |  Phobias  |  Relationship breakups  |  Motivation  |  Creative genius  |  Spiritual development  |  Goal clarification + implementation | Personal development | Relationships  |  Study Goals | Sexual difficulties  |  Sports performance | Self esteem Relaxation | Habits + addiction - smoking, nail biting | Health problems - asthma, chronic illness  |  Migraines  |  PTSD  |  Trauma Recovery  |  Work Relationships  |  Anger + stress resolution  |  Sexual abuse - memory + resolution

is a well known and well respected process of personal development and health creation, not forgetting problem resolution. It has it's roots in the oldest traditions of story-telling and learning and works on many different levels within the mind and body.

Hypnosis is a pathway to greater awareness and powerful long term change simply because it allows us to connect with the deepest programming within our minds and bodies.  We can tap into the creative resources within our sub conscious minds using hypnosis.  It is a relaxing and fascinating experience.

(Neuro Linguistic Programming) is process technology with roots in the art of hypnosis, deriving its power from an attitude of curiosity, underlying all its processes. NLP is very powerful and elegant, enabling you to understand your internal patterns and change them quickly and effectively, without the need for you to divulge large amounts of memory content, for example.

You could consider it to be an advanced form of hypnosis and yet it brings together so many of the most efficacious and successful forms of therapy and motivational techniques known.

Create outcomes that you have only dreamed about. Invasive fears and phobias can be released within an hour, for example.  Learn to operate your brain, thoughts and feelings so you can take control of your life and manifest the outcomes your desire.  Effortlessly tap into your unconscious mind and internal motivations to move forward with insatiable curiosity.

Using NLP in your daily life you'll get a head start in your understanding of:

Communication  |  State management  |  Success anchoring  |  Beliefs and changing beliefs  |  Designing and fulfilling goals  |  Realising your Values and Purpose  |  Underlying patterns of personality

Change your mind and experience a whole new way of living.

"Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is a technology that can be used to explore how we think, whether what we think is... 

GENERATIVE – allows us to continually learn and act [make choices based on] on our learnings,
LIMITING – constrains our learning choices and so our behaviours.
The technology of NLP can also be used to change habits of thought to expand our learning choices...and there is a direct correlation between our ability to learn and the quality of life we choose and create for ourselves."
                                                                ~Keith Gilbert, colleague.

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is a technology that can be used to explore how we think, whether what we think is...

GENERATIVE – allows us to continually learn and act [make choices based on] on our learnings,


LIMITING – constrains our learning choices and so our behaviours.

The technology of NLP can also be used to change habits of thought to expand our learning choices...

... and there is a direct correlation between our ability to learn and the quality of life we choose and create for ourselves.

Personal Performance Coaching is a process by which the resources of an individual are found and directed towards a goal or a desired experience. Personal Coaching is a little different to hypnosis because it uses many different tools, tools that are relevant to the individual’s needs.

The coaching process incorporates many different forms of motivational and therapeutic technique, including The Fascination Principle.

As part of your coaching, homework such as journalling and feedback are often incorporated and expected.

Emotional Freedom Technique - The 'Tapping' Technique is a simple yet inspired technique giving the user (you!) the ability to make significant emotional changes without being dragged - so to speak - through the upheaval that can often accompany emotional healing.

EFT is an emotional healing technique that is a combination of Eastern and Western medicine. Based on the discovery that emotional disturbances are stored within the body along energy lines called meridians, the same energy lines used by acupuncturists and acupressure practitioners. EFT can be thought of as the psychological use of acupuncture meridians.

Tapping on various energy point locations of the face and upper torso(which you, the user do yourself with my instruction) relieves symptoms by releasing the stored emotional energy. This tapping balances the energy meridians, or channels, that become disrupted when you think about, or experience, an emotionally disturbing circumstance.

Once balanced, the upset is usually resolved – the emotional charge is gone. Typically the result is lasting. Not only do you feel better afterwards, you are also able to think about the issue more clearly. EFT can provide rapid relief from emotional problems including phobias, PTSD, hurt, anger, sadness, guilt as well as many cases of physical pain. It's just as effective as a great emotional first aid as it is for deep, long-standing emotional trauma.

EFT is useful in many different situations for many reasons. The most important and significant reason is that it releases emotional blockages quickly. It's also a bit unusual, something you can learn quickly to do at home for yourself and fun.

Used in conjunction with NLP and hypnosis, EFT completes a complimentary combination regardless of the issues we are addressing.

To sum up EFT is simple, safe, gentle and takes mere minutes.

"If you can put your dream or your challenge into words, 
then I can help you with it."