Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thinking about Sleep - those thoughts REALLY matter

The thoughts you have about sleep are affecting it!

Have you ever wondered how powerful the effect of your thinking is when it comes to sleep?

How many times have you woken up thinking that your sleep may have been somewhat lacking? And how would you know it was lacking? Because you are remembering the waking up and 'trying' to get back to sleep moments.

Have you considered that the way we look back at our sleep defines how we think about it and depending on how we 'think' we slept, those thoughts will influence the sleep we had...?  Was that confusing or what?

Let me put it this way: when we only remember the bad stuff about an event, then those bad memories will influence the way we think about the event, and possibly our decisions about attending such an event again. Sleep is no different and yet very different.

Sleep is different because it is an unconscious state. You don't generally know that you are asleep. So when you look back a how you slept, you can only grade it on the awake moments. The awake moments are the only bits you can remember and they aren't necessarily what you want to remember. By only remembering the 'awake' bits and how you feel/felt about them you are influencing what you believe about your sleep.

I look back and notice that I have thought that I have not slept well because I have awoken two or three times in the night. In honesty, I woke for minutes at most and then drifted back to sleep. All I could remember in the morning was the awake bits.

So, change the way you remember sleep and notice that you can acknowledge the times you woke up in a new way. They are moments or minutes within a period of unconscious sleep. Those wakeful moments/minutes were moments when your body needed to readjust or use the toilet. They may have been moments when your subconscious - always aware of sounds at night - was alerted by a shift in sound. This is a sign that your subconscious is doing what it is designed to do... keep you safe.

One more consideration - an excellent sleep hygiene tip greatly underrated: If, when you wake in the night, you KEEP THE LIGHTS LOW (try not to use lighting) then your mental state will stay in the dreamy, sleep state so that when you return to bed you can rest easily and drift off again.

Rest well